This SleepSense Alice 5 AC Pressure Plus (# 14833) was specifically designed for the Alice 5 System and monitors both snore and flow. The lightweight, easy-to-use design features switches on either side of the device to adjust the sensitivity of both the snore and flow channel for optimal recording.
Warranty: 1 Year - Free of Defects in Materials and Quality Workmanship.
NOTE: SleepSense items are for professional use only, and are for sale by or on the order of a physician only.
SleepSense Alice 5 AC Pressure Plus Specifications
Recommended Filter Settings:
- High Pass: 0.01 Hz.
- Low Pass: 70 Hz.
- High Pass: 30 Hz or as recommended in the system's instructions.
Signal Output: Approximately 0.5 mV for normal respiration or loud snoring.
Operating Conditions: 40 to 104 ┬░F.
Storage Temperature: -4 to 140 ┬░F.
Operating and Storage Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing).
SleepSense Alice 5 AC Pressure Plus Literature
SleepSense Respiration Pressure Flow Sensors User Manual
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