Physio Control Lifepak 12 Defibrillators for Sale
We have the Physio Control Lifepak 12 defibrillators in stock in California and Virginia.
These defibrillators are used in emergency rooms, surgery centers, ambulances and hospitals.
Defibrillator units are bio-med certified and patient ready,
Defibrillator units come with a 90 day parts warranty
The following considerations and guidelines apply when using the LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator/monitor as
an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Operator Considerations
The LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator/monitor, when in AED mode, is a semiautomatic defibrillator that uses a
patented Shock Advisory System™. This software algorithm analyzes the patient’s electrocardiographic
(ECG) rhythm and indicates whether or not it detects a shockable rhythm. The LIFEPAK 12
defibrillator/monitor in AED mode requires operator interaction in order to defibrillate the patient.
The LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator/monitor in AED mode is intended for use by personnel who are
authorized by a physician/medical director and have, at a minimum, the following skills and training:
• CPR training.
• AED training equivalent to that recommended by the American Heart Association.
• Training in the use of the LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator/monitor in AED mode.
The AED mode is to be used only on patients in cardiopulmonary arrest. The patient must be
unconscious, pulseless, and not breathing normally before using the defibrillator to analyze the
patient’s ECG rhythm. In AED mode, the LIFEPAK 12 defibrillator/monitor is not intended for use on
pediatric patients less than 8 years old