Imedical Healthcare Solutions
The Nicolet Viasys Viking Select EMG EP System includes a desktop computer loaded with Windows XP with version 11.5 software, LCD monitor, keyboard, mouse, amplifier, nerve conduction stimulator, stimulator control box, control panel, speaker, and interconnecting cables. The system is in excellent condition and certified by MFI Medical to proper operating specifications.
Warranty: 90 Days - Parts and Labor.
Built around the same core of proven and trusted Viking EMG and NCS functions, it allows the user to automate their own common clinical studies and digitally record and replay free-running EMG segments for re-analysis or teaching purposes. The focus is on providing new clinically relevant functions such as motor unit number estimation and conduction velocity distribution measurements while improving productivity. Also added is a unique tremor analysis package which helps in the diagnosis and quantitative description of various types of tremors.