Imedical Healthcare Solutions
The LifeSign Status hCG Strip (#35235 / 35 Tests per box) is designed for the detection of human chronic gonadotropin in urine.
Minimally susceptible to the Hook effect by hCG β core fragment, a LifeSign Status hCG Strip follows a simple "dip and read" procedure. CLIA waived for urine, this top-of-the-line strip will have results ready to read in as little as three to five minutes.
LifeSign StatusFirst hCG Urine Controls Package Insert
LifeSign StatusFirst hCG Urine Controls SDS
LifeSign Status hCG Sell Sheet
LifeSign Status hCG Serum Urine Package Insert
LifeSign Status hCG Serum Urine SDS
LifeSign Status hCG Strip Package Insert