The DRW Grid Pro is the latest in DR panel protection. Our rugged encasement will provide
shock absorbing protection if dropped. With three layers of impact absorbing material and a high
impact vinyl alloy frame, you can transport your valuable DR panel with confidence.
Device Options
ÔÇó Available with any grid
ÔÇó Available with carbon fiber┬áweight bearing panel
ÔÇó Single or dual handle design
ÔÇó For use with wireless DR┬ásystems utilizing cassette┬ásized DR panels
Dimensions and weight of dual handled design
ÔÇó W x D x H
ÔÇó 21" x 17.5" x 1.095''
ÔÇó Weight: 1.25 lb + grid
ÔÇó Your choice of Lysholm,┬áMitaya, or Soyee
ÔÇó Designed to fit in most mobile DR bins
ÔÇó Customization available
ÔÇó Rigid, vinyl alloy┬áCorners
ÔÇó Thermoplastic polyurethane┬áHandles
ÔÇó ABS plastic┬áLatch
ÔÇó Acital plastic┬áInterior Shock Pads
ÔÇó PSA backed and skinned,┬áurethane foam┬áColors
ÔÇó Combination of black and silver