Imedical Healthcare Solutions
The Defibtech Standalone AED Trainer Package (#DCF-A350T-EN) includes a trainer AED, training battery and charger, adult training pads, and an instructor/trainer remote control. Pediatric training pads are available separately.
Warranty: 4 Years (Battery) / 1 Year (AED Trainer, Training Pads, Charger, and Training Remote Control).
This standalone trainer is constructed to feel and look almost exactly like a real Lifeline AED, but with red rubberized surfaces, instead of black, to clearly distinguish that this is a trainer AED that cannot deliver a shock. The included battery, unlike other Lifeline AED batteries, is rechargeable, and the included adult training pads are semi-adhesive and reusable. The training remote control can be used to control up to four standalone trainers or Lifeline 100 Series AEDs with training battery packs and software installed. It can control speaker volume, scenario selection, and manual simulation of various patient conditions.
This trainer is perfect for getting students acquainted with Lifeline AED operation because they will be training with a nearly exact replica of a real thing.