The Defibtech High-Use Battery Pack (#DCF-210 / DBP-2800) with 9 V Lithium Battery (#DAC-410) is a replacement battery pack for the Lifeline AED and Lifeline Auto AED.
Warranty: 4 Years or Until Expiration.
Defibtech High-Use Battery Pack Features:
- High capacity for long standby time (7 years including daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly self-tests) and reliable delivery of shocks if needed.
- Easy to replace in unit after use or expiration.
- Included 9 V lithium battery powers the Active Status Indicator, saving the main battery pack for emergencies.
- Disposable, recyclable, and non-rechargeable.
Defibtech High-Use Battery Pack Specifications:
Battery Type: Lithium/Manganese Dioxide (Li/MnO2).
Capacity: 15 V, 2800 mAh (300 defibrillation shocks or 16 hours of continuous operating time).
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